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Cambridge Archaeology Field Group |
CAFG was formed in 1978 to carry out practical archaeology in the Cambridge area. Our purpose is to contribute to the archaeology of the region through our own field research, while also assisting the County Archaeology Service and co-operating with other interested groups or individuals. We also try to promote interest in archaeology through activities such as talks.
Our main activities are:
On Sunday mornings from 10.00 a.m. during autumn, winter and spring, we walk ploughed or recently seeded fields, collecting and recording items found on the surface.
Over the years our systematic programme of investigation has added important information to the archaeological record, with finds ranging from the stone age to the present day.
From spring to autumn we carry out occasional excavations.
Processing and finds analysis
On Wednesday evenings when there is no lecture or other event, we meet from 7.00 p.m.at the Oxford Archaeology East premises, Unit 15 Trafalgar Way, Bar Hill, CB23 8SQ, off the A14 near Cambridge. Here we wash, sort, identify and analyse the finds from fieldwork, before logging the resulting information with the Historic Environment Record.
We also hold a small library of publications at Bar Hill, which members are welcome to borrow.
From October to June, usually on the first Wednesday in the month we have talks on archaeological topics by locally and nationally recognised speakers. They are held in the seminar room at the MacDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Downing Street, Cambridge at 7.30 p.m. Parking is usually available on the Downing site, accessed from Tennis Court Road.
Non-members are welcome, but we ask for a contribution of £1.
Membership is open to all adults with an interest in archaeology and local history - no expertise is needed to join. Members take part in as much or as little of the Group's activities as they wish.
Come to one of the talks, or for for more details, email: cafgmemberships@gmail.com. The membership application form can be downloaded here .
Subscriptions are payable on joining and then in April each year. Annual subscriptions are currently £15 for individual membership or £21 for families
The Group is affiliated to the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, the Council for British Archaeology and Jigsaw Cambridgeshire.
Val Whittaker Memorial Prize
Each year the Group offers up to £150 to pay for the fees of an archaeology student to attend an archaeology training course or buy relevant equipment or books. For details, see:http://www.cafg.net/vwp1.aspx
C.A.F.G. Officers
President: Stephen Macaulay(MCIfA)
Chairman: Barrie Fuller
Secretary: Tom Midgley email: cafgsecretary@gmail.com
Treasurer: John Waterhouse
Co-ordinating Field Officer: Mike Coles
Committee Members: Martin Bacon, Colin Coates, Peter Cornelissen, Terry Dymott, Susanne Thompson, Susan May |